considering i've been using my old phone alongside the new phone until the sd card gets here, i wonder if i could have easily waited for a new phone (outside of REALLY wanting to play lads as intended)
i'm not planning on returning it at this point, but my dad's mention of just saving up for another pixel rang in my head...
and thinking about it...?
i think i made a good call with the one i picked.
i mean, a headphone jack? an sd card slot for extra storage?? these things are unheard of in new phones!!
it kinda adds that level of ownership back in my hands. i didn't entirely hate using bluetooth earbuds, but i wasn't going out of my way to buy them (i got them gifted)... and it was cumbersome-- i used to just be able to plug in earbuds into the phone directly. now i had to use a separate item just to do so, that was kinda broken and didn't last long (probably so you'd buy it again).
i like being able to have those analog features. being able to have extra storage from the internal storage again is really nice! it adds to the longevity of the phone, because if i run out of space, i can always just get a new sd card. i dont have to figure out how to offload a bunch of space... and that's great :> i like having that power back over my possessions in a world where we pay and still don't have ownership over some things.
im thinking after untitled comes back that I take a social media rest. not that I was too into it before, but I think just getting away from it for a bit to focus on myself and my work may be a good idea. I want to make things, and it's very easy to get distracted if I keep scrolling endlessly instead of doing those things.
I might employ the 'every time I have the urge to look at my phone I'll write down why and redirect'
I really wanna get my shit together... and while I know being human means you'll never have EVERYTHING together, I want to at least focus on the tangible stuff (organizing my things/files, tidying my room, getting my financials situated and stable, having better life habits etc etc etc)
not that I'd turn into a hermit, but I'd be directing that scroll time with something else, like streaming or building toward comm, or my projects
lot of brain fog today... I want to create and work on things but my mind feels like it's elsewhere, or that it's not there at all
I hate living in a house that smells like urine every time I leave my bedroom.... god
I'm in a place of privilege to be able to do what I want right now... I want to stay where I'm at and see where it takes me. I feel like my patience is paying off and I just want something stable so when I come home, I can relax and not have to worry about anything else. I want to be able to come home and have fun, not worrying if I need a backup plan to find another job or career or whatever. and for now... I will work at my current job, and I will only worry about things that are pertinent to right now.
trying to figure out what i want to do for my birthday... i've been so distracted with dropping off my insurance lately that i never really put into consideration what i might want to do for my birthday... man.
maybe i'll invite folks to the arcade or something? idk...
media exploring human autonomy (especially women) and their choices my beloved...
exploring what it means to be human and who you are as a person stripped of your memories my beloved.... (this is about severance)
i've been waffling about it, and have decided definitively not to join in on the pitchfest. i wanted to just.. get out there, get my foot in the door, but, i just.. have a difficult time thinking i may be wasting my time :<
in the timespan i could get all those 'no's, especially given the fact that my work isn't really seen as 'not fitting in the market', i could be using that time to self publish on my own. (the only real reason i decided not to was because i was worried about the admin work... but if i use a fulfillment service... hey! i don't have to worry.)
the pitchfest is about showing off the pitches in the hopes of getting a book deal. over the past few weeks, i've decided to simply go all-in on untitled again, so i don't even think there's really any room to work on pitching and working on a graphic novel separately tbh...
and i know a good chunk of this is assuming, but.. i dunno. i just feel like maybe this isn't the move anymore. right now, at least.
which sucks, cause every year i wanna pitch, and then a few weeks into working, i change my mind. i think i should just lock in with untitled, since she's the baby.
i did think about revisiting the one-shot with a short story though, but its one that's already complete and self contained.. we'll see. untitled focus right now. i'm excited to get back to it :)
READ LOVE BULLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no but its so good and i like it a lot.... the way the characters are drawn, the way each of them jump off the page, the compositions... there's only 10 chapters and i want MORE 🗣️‼️and it makes me wanna work on my comics!!!!!!!!
maybe I really should just focus on untitled vol 1 and then come back around, idk...
kinda sucks booty I did a bunch of work and have to shift gears again :(
I just want something stable...
sighs. maybe one day
looks like i might be moving to the day shift sooner than i thought... exciting :) i'll have a routine...
i'm hoping that this combined with my cpap will give me the ability to have structure and not feel tired and aimless. i'm in somewhat of a good spot right now— i want to persevere and take another step towards improving my life for the better... and hopefully I can have stable income, maybe a book deal, and i can start a quiet-esque life :)
i don't know what to work towards next, but at least i have some things to look forward to :)
been feeling aimless again lately :( dunno what would fix it/help
started using the finch app recently. its cute so far :)
I like my little guy!!
wanna make youtube videos about things I care about, wanna make art that shouts out a message, wanna make merch that's cute and fun, wanna make blog posts about things I like, wanna make web pages dedicated to my favorite things, wanna do challenges that inspire good vibes across the board... yeah... yeah :)
I'm hoping that I can have a good time in 2025, despite everything.
I want to have a good time, some
creativing, making, etc etc etc... I don't have the right words to explain it right now, but I want a brighter future where I can live and make the things I care about and encourage others to do the same
thinking about life... I wonder where it'll take me
I really do love art, I'd rather do it than anything else in the world...
i've been doing some light websurfing on other people's bearblogs, and it's been really cool seeing how others have theirs set up!
initially, i was gonna try to set up a zonelets on my own, but i realized that i shouldn't reinvent the wheel and just use what's already out there!
i've also noticed a lot of these blogs post a LOT, and i wanna get to a point where i don't feel like every blog post has to be some masterpiece that's several lines long, and the tagging system can do the organizing FOR me, so i can simply just post!
i've been mad slacking on the comics i read 😓 i used to keep up with like, 5 comics every day, now it's more like 5 comics every week....
it makes me somewhat sad, but i know i'm already working on low spoons
im trying to replace things but other things are starting to break 😭😭😭 lemme have reprieve one time!!!
y'know what's crazy? realizing that the people who hurt me in the past are people that don't exist anymore. they're different people from them. for me I think, being able to move on from those times has been better, while still being able to acknowledge the hurt due to those people who no longer exist
thinking about maybe getting earrings again... PERHAPS.
me, a few months ago: ehhh I don't want my b&w comic to be a manga, really... i feel like that's not really the aim
me, now:
me: perhaps...
tbh I think it's funny. idk if I'd create a manga manga, but I would be shifting towards b&w comics. i wonder if this is something I'm gravitating to bc I carry/read so many manga... they do make me happy after all...
thinking about hosting a page for kids and teens to get vetted access to things for them on the internet.. or like things that they can do at home or possibly around their community. it makes me sad knowing that kids don't have what i had growing up (club penguin, all the flash games, etc etc...) cause they deserve a safe space online :< i hope one day we can get to a point where they have that again
looove word of mouth advertisement I love when people come together and tell people they love a thing so much and it begins a chain reaction that causes others to also look at and tell people about said thing (talking about love bullet)
andy and claire have tamaharu energy to me...
tired of masking today 🫡 you will get my unfiltered perspective on how I treat and interact with my ocs
someone said something really nice about my comic jam entry 🥺... it was so sweet and its gonna carry me for a bit
they said that im definitely going to go far in comics 😭 which made me happy since i always worry that my comics are a little too boring visually
finished my battle with wordpress and lost 😔 i think its too complicated for my liking... back to bearblog!!!
i really wanted to self host, but im not in the mood to figure out an entire new engine (hugo) or write my blog posts in complete html... maybe one day it'll be fully self hosted. but for now, i think im just gonna go with something simple and leave it for another day. too frustrating 🥲
i don't have the energy like I used to... i wonder if i can get it back someday...
obsessed with how louie zong manages to make so many things so quickly... im so envious...
not even envious OF the speed but the ability to have an idea, get to work on it, and execute it immediately! waaaah it's just so good...
thinkin' about how many animation folks also have webcomics... that would have been me if I continued on the animation path tbh
sometimes I think about going back to school, but then I remember that's the devil talking because I hated being in school 💀
if there's one thing that annoys me the most, it's a burst of inspiration before bed. where'd you come from, I'm tryna sleep
i really wanna get back into doing art studies/anatomy practice. i feel like when the body looks off (when i care) it makes me frustrated that its not up to the potential i want it to be...
add it to the list of things i wanna/gotta do 😭
I'm hoping with guide creative I can make an experience for folks who just wanna make things, without the underlying push to monetize it. I feel like whenever I go to look up something, there's always a 'for your business' 'to strengthen your brand' type of thing... and I don't want that! I just want to make things and learn how to make them for the purpose of personal use.
looks at artist's art wow I wanna draw like that
looks at another artist's art wow I wanna draw like that
looks at another artist's art wow I wanna draw—
re: last
I think that's why I like the ssum so much, because it feels more casual (even if there are parts that are more fantasy-esque)
sometimes it's hard to for me to think about being in a (real) relationship 🤔
i think about aspects of it, but i feel like they're always idealized from movies and stuff...
ive had 'situations' with people, but they never really felt like real romantic relationships... ┐(´ー`)┌
ever so often I'll get the feeling of sonder again and then I'm like... wow. these are people... just like me.
its a crazy feeling.
i talked to dan about job stuffs :) he helped me sort it out. best friend best friend...( ꈍᴗꈍ)
i always get so demoralized and depressed when i look up job stuff... i wish we lived in a society where we could actually have proper care and maybe a ubi from the government... im exhausted thinking about the prospect of another job :< I'm worried it'll be too demanding and make me depressed
i think I wanna spend some time offline for a bit 🤔 or at least diminish my time even more, and do some offline related adventures :)
I'm definitely in a place where I think social media is making it hard for me again
every time I see someone say they're from new jersey:
and then I defend them with my life
i want people to read my comic and get excited about the characters like they do their blorbos :) maybe write a character analysis post or smth
me wanting to make a fun resolution but also not wanting to feel pressured to have fun 🫡
i hope i can make things that make me happy next year :)
wanna watch a muppet christmas carol but we're protesting because they support israel :/ hate them for that
one day I wanna make something that garners a lot of hype for release... but at the same time, I know I don't need that to feel like I've succeeded in setting out to what I wanted to do.
I don't think I'm the only one in the world who wishes more people cared about the things that I make! but I also know that even if it's just me and my friends being enthusiastic about it, that's all I need. hell, if I'm the only one that's enthusiastic about it, that's a score. because I tend to make these things with the enthusiasm of accomplishing then over anything else.
it does make me wanna hold things closer to my chest though, because I don't want the overpowering feeling of me wanting a scale of attention on my work to effect how it gets made or how I decide to make it...
I wanna pick up a new anime.
maybe I should finish one of the shows I started first... 💀
hmmmm. maybe it's inspiration fatigue. yeah I think that's what it is (being inspired by too many things at once and then crashing at all the ideas I have because of it)
I've had a lot of thoughts swirling in my head the past few days, I honestly don't know how to describe them... it's not bad, but I feel like I'm searching for the right thoughts to say about it. I can't quite describe the processing that's going through my brain at the moment...
I guess I could just let it be and not worry about it, but I really wanna collect my thoughts. ( ・ั﹏・ั)
I kinda wanna make the reboot of justice avenue a yotsuba&! esque endeavor instead of random one-off comics...
i mean, it'd still be funny slice of life comics, but a bit more structure ig? idk. I need the stability I think
I can still make those comics— they just wouldn't logistically be a part of the mainline comic!
I think I'm gonna spend a lot of time in 2024 experiencing the in between moments, the process, the journey. I've prioritized the end goal, the finish line, the complete product for too long. will the end goal have been worth it if neglected the journey that got me there?
I think this is probably a step in me taking even more of a back step away from social media, and just spending time creating, not really worrying about when the end product will be done, IF it'll be done. I enjoy drawing it as much as I enjoy seeing it finished. sitting on social media makes me feel guilty I have nothing to show, and that sucks.
trying to analyze my desperation with finding videos talking about the shift in culture. I don't know why. maybe i'm just hungry to hear that people feel the way i do. maybe I want to find a better solution for myself. maybe I'm trying to reassure myself that it's okay.
this week has been so weird mentally... idk what's going on
I at least completed some tasks, but man...
thinking of buying stardew valley a fourth time on gog.... only because gog is drm free and steam isn't 🫡
i get lonely easily these days it seems ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა
kinda thinking about how some people fall into their dream job or their career... I do wonder what that is for me...
i suppose I won't be able to find out unless I try something new o7 I just don't know where to start
I could have been someone like eiichiro oda who just makes one piece for the rest of my life 😔
reading manga again has really just. made me wanna live. and live in a way that I enjoy, and be creative but not stress about it. the complete opposite I used to indulge in. it's no wonder I didn't watch anime or read manga when I was a workaholic, it would have pulled me out of it ( ・ั﹏・ั)
thinking about how I was watching a lecture and how important it is to not Just be working on your comic/project/etc, but also spending time promoting or doing other things, combined with the fact that the mangaka for yotsuba&! only ever makes chapters when he feels like it/puts it down to tend to other things in his life really hits after being a grinding workaholic
some of this stuff I knew, but reminding is key and practice is another all together!
I definitely don't wanna stress over my comics anymore, y'know :0!
I'd be satisfied if i only worked on one comic the rest of my life but unfortunately I am plagued with IDEAS....
so I have to think of a sustainable way to finish these projects without. dying 💀
hirayasumi also really makes me wanna draw comics. my energy levels 😔...
hirayasumi really makes me think about my goals and think about what i want to do to further my life. i haven't figured it out, and that's okay, but i also know that i don't have to figure it out just to live.
life is so confusing and hard, but lovely, and worth living, that i want to be comfortable and safe, but do my part so others can be that as well.
my fatigue is still very strong, and so i can't do but so much, but i can try. i can try.
re ajr album:
idk how they do it, but somehow they always manage to capture the experience of a person struggling to... be a person. and wanting to know what that means, and if they're doing it right, and wanting to do it right. and not wanting to care but caring so MUCH about it. they wanna be a kid but they also want to grow up but it's so scary and so exciting and nerve-wracking and... UGH...
ajr is my favorite band.
the ajr experience is singing the lyrics and choking back TEARS.
GOD i listened to this album at least 4 times now and reading over the lyrics im actually fighting for my life with emotions
yooo new ajr album is SUPER good. i listened through the whole thing twice on repeat 🫡
the vibe is different from their previous album, i don't know how to describe it! but a lot of the songs carry a similar vibe.
i was worried that the songs i knew already (that were released as singles) were going to be stale in the album, but that wasn't the case! they fit so neatly in their spot on the tracklist that I forgot they were singles entirely!
audiobooks are included in spotify premium now... 👀 tempting!!!
finally started reading hirayasumi :) its nice so far!
makes me wanna draw comics
I laid around for the whole morning ( ╹▽╹ ) time to get up and take a shower!
and then like. eat LMAO
i say this all the time, but I really wanna be more unapologetically myself when it comes to my craft online. i dont want to be discouraged from making the art or projects i wanna make because of the algorithm or because its too self indulgent. its a lot of conditioning from being in the internet for over 10 years, but, i really wanna do this for myself to have a healthier relationship with myself and how i distribute the media i make.
i often feel embarrassed, because im kinda finally falling back into being self indulgent, drawing myself with my ocs more, and im just! its such an important part of me it almost feels like I'm rejecting myself because i don't share it (not that i have to, but it's something i probably WOULD share if i felt less embarrassed about it. (´;ω;`))
i hope i get better— and give less of a shit of what people would think about me. so i can make the things that matter, make the things that i care about!
ultimately the social media break was a good one, because im leaning away from the game, and making a lot of stuff i don't feel any obligation to share, even. which is good :)
ive been watching a lot of youtube essays today... it's kinda wild to think that we're re-circling back to being genuine and wanting to be our authentic selves. it kinda gives me hope for the future where we can live without having to tie ourselves down to algorithms or social media sites!
seeing people really discuss the new era of youtube is super encouraging to think about. i really missed the era where everybody and anybody were making videos and they did it for fun or because they wanted to make something! im happy that i might see that era return in a new and encouraging way :)
i applied for the shortbox comics fair again... this will be the third time i applied. I told myself that if i don't get it this time, im just not going to bother anymore :') obviously there's something about my work that the (same) organizer doesn't like if i got passed on three different times...
and i know that a lot of people submit, it's not indicative of anything, and it's not personal, but getting rejected thrice from the SAME event is really going to make me reconsider doing them in the future ಥ‿ಥ
it's fine to reference things or use inspiration, but letting it take over my whole headspace is something I really need to work on... (~_~;)
I really gotta stop letting what other people do dictate how I do things... it makes me overthink 'my way' and I end up not liking how it came out... keep it simple o7
i did a lot of cleaning for my comic's tumblr page :) im excited to post the queue, but I wanted to finish a few things before doing so!
hosted on base theme by evy. check out the thoughts webring!